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Consumer Research

Consumer Research


A Celebration, So Spread the Word: World Cotton Day & the 50th Anniversary of the Seal of Cotton

As World Cotton Day took place October 7, it’s an opportune time for brands and designers to note the celebration of another cotton event: the 50th anniversary of the Seal…

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Heading to World Cotton Day, Here’s What Consumers Really Think of Cotton

In a matter of days, countries around the globe will be recognizing World Cotton Day, an event held annually on October 7 as both a celebration of cotton and an…

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Supply Chain

Don’t Miss These Opportunities Presented by Clothing Labels

New York Fashion Week just wrapped, and with it and all the crowds, glamour, and fabulous apparel. But one of the most important parts of any garment – something that’s…

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How U.S. Consumers Look at the Seal of Cotton

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Reaching Gen Z & Millennials: Different Social Platforms Call for Different Content Every Time

There are 8 billion people in this world. And of them, 60 percent, or 4.88 billion, are active social media users. In the U.S., that number jumps to 74 percent.…

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Despite Decreased Inflation, Back-to-School May Be Impacted

Inflation is at its lowest point in more than a year – three percent in June, down from 9.1 percent in June 2022. Yet, the continuation of increased prices, albeit…

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Things to Know About Back-to-School 2023

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Despite Inflation Jitters, BTS Apparel Sales Expected to Rise

Right now, it’s the season of “no more pencils, no more books,” but the coming days will see Back-to-School (BTS) shopping kicking into high gear. And this season, despite any…

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Supply Chain Insights – Denim Jeans Outlook (U.S.)

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