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Fast-Tracked Retail Change

At this point, the stories about how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted retail are plentiful, and most of them aren't pretty: store closures, bankruptcies, furloughs, and a reduction in consumer…

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Easing Fears & Growing Sales

After a couple of months with nothing to do but binge watch TV or go for quick grocery runs, consumers around some parts of the country are watching stores slowly…

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Ecommerce Only

It was nearly two months ago (yes, it does it seem much longer) that states began closing bars and restaurants, and banning gatherings of more than 50 people in an…

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Staying Positive & Comfortable

A Los Angeles Times fashion editor recently caused a kerfuffle when he wrote that people working from home should "dress like the professionals you're getting paid to be." While no…

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A New Retail Landscape

Let's face it: everything is weird now. Major League Baseball's "Boys of Summer," who Don Henley alludes to in that old soft rock hit, didn't even start their season. The…

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Evolving Ecommerce

Sometimes there are major markers in life, events so big that life becomes divided into everything "before" or "after." We're living through that now. When this story was originally scheduled,…

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