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Sustainability in Consumers’ Lives and Wardrobes

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Supply Chain

After a Series of Disruptive Years, the U.S. Economy & the Global Cotton Market Are Calming

Four years ago, fashion week shows were held online, retail stores became fulfillment centers, adults and school children stayed in pajamas and loungewear all day as many began remote work…

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Supply Chain


In the global cotton market, it is possible to delineate multi-year periods by their dominant supply and demand factors. For much of the past decade, the global supply and demand…

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Supply Chain

The Ties That Bind

The U.S. Congress recently revived the Trans-Pacific Partnership when it voted to give President Barack Obama “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals. The complicated, multi-pronged trade agenda involves 11…

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Supply Chain

Banking on ‘Green’

Images of blazing wildfires, cracked dry farmland or satellite shots of melting ice may get people thinking about the environment, but they have not become full-fledged activists as a result. …

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