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Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Blue Jeans Celebrate a Big Birthday with Style & Sustainability
As the blue jean celebrates its 150th birthday on May 20, one wonders if the garment could serve as a master class in how constant reinvention is good for business.…
Embracing Sustainability
Remember those videos from last month after Hurricane Ida tore through the south then brought its wrath to the Northeast, bringing such powerful flooding it looked like waterfalls were rushing…
Sustainability & Concerned Consumers
Supply Chain Insights – Sustainability & Concerned Consumers
Articles | Consumer Research
Here’s Why Consumers Prefer Natural Fibers for Home & Beyond
Just as fashion has its trends each season, so does the home décor market. But one thing that remains timeless is the consumer preference for natural fibers, whether for bedding,…
Articles | Consumer Research
America Recycles Day Isn’t Just About Bottles & Cans
America Recycles Day rolls in on November 15 and it stands as a prime occasion to promote the recycling of clothes and textiles. “Honestly, when most consumers think about recycling,…
Articles | Economic Data/News
After a Series of Disruptive Years, the U.S. Economy & the Global Cotton Market Are Calming
Four years ago, fashion week shows were held online, retail stores became fulfillment centers, adults and school children stayed in pajamas and loungewear all day as many began remote work…
Articles | Consumer Research
This Is 30: Measuring Consumer Attitudes & Behavior Over Three Decades
Thirty years ago, Seinfeld was the number one TV show, the disheveled grunge look was all the rage, “Casual Fridays” were ushering in a more relaxed workwear environment – and…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
The Blue Jean Birthday Story: How It Started, How It’s Going Globally
It’s funny watching movies or TV shows that don’t really seem that old but then a character makes a call from a phone booth, checks their home answering machine or…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This is Why Denim is Circular – And Why Consumers Trust It
Just four years ago when the pandemic was raging, pajamas and sweatpants became the go-to garments all day, every day and the industry wondered about the future of denim. Though…