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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Beyond COVID Demand & Prices

  Supply Chain Insights – Beyond COVID Demand & Prices

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Online Shopping & Fiber Content

Supply Chain Insights – Online Shopping & Fiber Content

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
September 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT U.S and Chinese benchmark prices increased in early August but were flat to lower later in the month and through early September. Values for the December NY/ICE…

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What Consumers Want & What They Buy

A year ago, it seemed like Covid might finally have been the one opponent powerful enough to thwart fast fashion, the category known for inexpensive and cheaply made "disposable" garments.…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
August 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices increased last month. Values for the December NY/ICE futures contract held between 88 and 90 cents/lb for much of July. In early August, futures…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
July 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Although several prices slipped around the middle of June, most benchmarks are slightly higher than their levels one month ago. Values for the December NY/ICE futures contract…

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Supply Chain

All Things American

Independence Day brings the country together to cheer all things American. And while the textile industry can, despite COVID, celebrate an increase in stateside manufacturing, apparel makers have continued to…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
June 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Indian and Pakistani prices increased over the past month, while NY/ICE futures, the A Index, and Chinese cotton prices fell and rebounded. After sliding from 87 to…

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