Data and analyses of consumer attitudes, preferences and shopping habits.
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
How Blue Jeans Pair Perfectly with Circular Fashion
In a circularity panel discussion held earlier this year, moderator Robert Langkjaer-Bain of Imagine5 media informed the audience that in the time it took for them to watch a 6-minute…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This One Program Helps the Planet AND Brings Consumers to Your Store
America Recycles Day is coming up on Nov. 15 and it gives both consumers and businesses a chance to pitch in when it comes to renewing, reusing, and recycling. Fashion…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This is Why Denim is Circular – And Why Consumers Trust It
Just four years ago when the pandemic was raging, pajamas and sweatpants became the go-to garments all day, every day and the industry wondered about the future of denim. Though…
Articles | Consumer Research
America Recycles Day Isn’t Just About Bottles & Cans
America Recycles Day rolls in on November 15 and it stands as a prime occasion to promote the recycling of clothes and textiles. “Honestly, when most consumers think about recycling,…