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Global Consumer Insights – India

By 2030, India is expected to become the world’s third largest apparel market with spending on clothes projected to more than double. Brands such as H&M, Gap, and Juicy Couture…

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Markets to Watch

It’s hard to forecast the economy 14 months out -- never mind 14 years -- but the current trends are clear: By 2030, the United States will be supplanted as…

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Global Consumer Insights – Thailand

Although Thailand’s apparel market is projected to grow over 60% in the coming 15 years, it remains underdeveloped. Almost 7 in 10 Thai consumers shop for most of their apparel…

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A Growing Market

It might be clear around the other side of the world, but China’s appreciation of that iconic American product — the denim jean — is strong. Yet indicators show there’s…

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Highs and Lows

Despite its glamorous image, the high end of fashion has been taking it a bit on the chin lately. Enough so that luxury players are changing up their games as…

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Supply Chain

Evolution in Cotton Prices

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Supply Chain

The Ties That Bind

The U.S. Congress recently revived the Trans-Pacific Partnership when it voted to give President Barack Obama “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals. The complicated, multi-pronged trade agenda involves 11…

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Supply Chain


KEY INSIGHTS Educate shoppers on the health and comfort benefits of baby care products to encourage higher consumption. Market to first-time tampon users through informative promotions. Increase cotton offerings in…

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Supply Chain

Easing Apparel Sourcing Cost Pressures

Market forces inside and outside of China that have kept cotton prices higher in recent years are disappearing. As a result, cotton prices around the world have moved lower. The…

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Cultural Differences

If a company is successful here in the great big USA, it follows that it could be just as prosperous elsewhere.  However, that is not always the case.  Cultural differences…

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