We have updated our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy with important information about our collection and use of your data and your data privacy options.




Ready For Action

The NFL’s Super Bowl brings people together for one day each year to celebrate that most American of sports: professional football.   And when it is over, viewers will snap up…

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Quality Pursuits

When the economy was booming and credit was easy, consumers cared less about the long term – in their apparel choices as much as in their savings account. But in…

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‘Net Increases

It is hard to believe there was once a time when consumers were wary of shopping online.  Internet apparel shopping queries first appeared in the Lifestyle Monitor™ survey in 2000.…

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Purchasing Power

Raw cotton’s volatile price increases have made many in the industry jittery, too. Yet new research from Cotton Incorporated shows that consumers are actually willing to pay more than what…

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