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Commodity Economics

Commodity Economics

Supply Chain

Introduction to Cotton Futures

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Supply Chain

The Crop Year

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Supply Chain

Overview of the Global Cotton Market

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Hale and Hardy

The dry spell that has affected corn and soybean prices may spell rising prices for food products next year.  However, apparel prices could be expected to be flat to down…

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Supply Chain

Turning Back to the Real Thing

Cotton prices have returned to historical averages, and that is good news for both the apparel industry and consumers. When cotton prices spiked in March 2011, some retailers and manufacturers…

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Supply Chain

Banking on ‘Green’

Images of blazing wildfires, cracked dry farmland or satellite shots of melting ice may get people thinking about the environment, but they have not become full-fledged activists as a result. …

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Men and Women Optimistic About Personal Finances

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Consumers Optimistic About Their Personal Finances

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