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Commodity Economics

Commodity Economics

Supply Chain

Part 4:Chinese Cotton Policy Reforms & Outlook

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Supply Chain

Part 3: Chinese Cotton Policy’s Impact

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Supply Chain

Part 2:Tools of Chinese Cotton Policy

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Supply Chain

Part 1:China in the Global Cotton Market

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Supply Chain

April 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: In comments made at a press conference at the end of March, the newly appointed chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, indicated that the U.S. economy continues…

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Supply Chain

March 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: According to the Federal Reserve, the net worth of U.S. households reached a new record high in the fourth quarter after increasing 14% in 2013. Much of the…

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Supply Chain

January 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: Apart from the latest employment figures, which indicated that the fewest jobs were added last month since January 2011, recent economic data have been generally positive and many…

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Supply Chain

October 2013 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: In a political breakdown, the U.S. government ceased all non-essential services on October 1st. The shutdown may be seen as a result of the on-going political struggle between…

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Supply Chain

September 2013 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: September marked the fifth anniversary of the collapse of the onset of the financial crisis. In the time since, the economy could be characterized as having experienced slow growth.…

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Economic Optimism Among U.S. Consumers

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