Data and analyses of consumer attitudes, preferences and shopping habits.
Consumer Perspectives on “Green” Apparel
Environmental activism among consumers has steadily progressed due to more individuals adopting eco-friendly habits. Consumers’ eco-sensitive attitudes and behaviors can be understood as a form of enlightened self-interest. More than…
Ten Facts About Consumers and Cotton
Responses to Cotton Incorporated's Lifestyle Monitor survey show consumers have positive feelings towards and preference for cotton in their apparel.
Clothing Durability & What’s In Your Closet
In the last 15 years, we've seen trends towards disposability in the fashion industry, disturbing sustainability advocates.
Earth Day 2021
Remember last year when COVID-19 shut down the world, and the environmentally minded were hopeful it would be good for the planet? Well, that didn't happen but from April 20-22,…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Fashion & Natural Fibers
Microplastic pollution from synthetic textiles can be found all over the world — from Mount Everest, the highest point on the planet, to the Mariana Trench, the deepest oceanic trench…
Articles | Consumer Research
It’s Plastic Free July – And This Is Why Consumers are Concerned About Synthetics
Amazon recently announced it has replaced 95 percent of the plastic pillows used for packaging in the U.S. and plans to phase them out entirely by the end of the…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
The Notable Reasons Why Indie Brands Embrace Natural Fibers
It’s no secret that fast fashion and major brands have embraced petroleum-based textiles like polyester and acrylic. It’s to the point that nearly 70 percent of clothing is made of…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Reaching 2025’s Health-Minded Consumer with “Plant-Based” Apparel
We all have them, that one friend who regularly posts about plant-based eating. But as folks contend with their New Year’s resolutions – especially those in the “This is the…