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This is How Parents Plan to Spend for Back-to-School 2024

Earlier this summer, Limited Too held a rooftop party in New York to kick off the return of the iconic tween brand before the start of the new school season.…

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Things to Know About Back-to-School 2024

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter May 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT All benchmark prices decreased over the past month.•The July NY/ICE futures contract dropped from 93 to 77 cents/lb between early April and the present.•The December NY/ICE futures…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter April 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Cotton benchmarks either decreased or were steady over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured small changes to world production (-33,000 bales…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter March 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT All cotton benchmarks increased over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured small increases to global production (+131,000 to 113.0 million bales)…

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This is How AI Will Benefit Consumers & Their Retail Experience

For years, retailers have had the ability to collect data from customers with the idea that they would use it to offer consumers more personalized products and experiences. But too…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter February 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most cotton benchmarks increased over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured only minor changes to global cotton production (-355,000 bales to…

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These New Technologies Are Bringing Retail into the New Year

The new year is bringing plenty of newness to retail, much of it “behind the scenes” thanks to further adoption of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, and augmented…

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