Retail Market Analysis
Retail Market Analysis
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Here’s How Switching to Natural Fibers Can Combat Microplastic Pollution
The hazy, hot and humid month of July is here, and that means Plastic Free July is upon us. Begun in 2011, the movement is a key initiative of the…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s How to Reach Business & Sustainability Goals With Digital Design
If there’s one word coming out of fashion in 2024, it’s “sustainable.” And while there are many thoughts on what the word means and how to achieve sustainability, one area…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Here’s How Regenerative Agriculture Benefits the Cotton Supply Chain
There is no shortage of sustainability talk in the fashion industry, especially coming off Earth Month in April. But sustainability in the cotton industry starts in the field, where growers…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Earth Day 2024: Here’s How Brands Can Increase Efficiency & Quality
While Earth Day is happening on April 22, all of April is considered Earth Month, giving ample opportunity for the industry to really consider its sustainability efforts. Where fashion and…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
These New Passports Will Emphasize a Brand’s Sustainability
A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme says greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2022 and by September 2023, global average temperatures were 1.8°C above pre-industrial…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Can Earth Day Kick Off Climate Restoration by Fashion Industry?
As Earth Day approaches this April 22, the fashion industry is once again faced with the part it plays in climate change. But instead of hemming, hawing, and greenwashing its…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s Where Young Shoppers Say Brands Really Need to Step Up
Amid ever more extreme weather events due to climate change, consumers are faced with how they can make a difference, especially when it comes to what they purchase — and…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Brands Stepping Up Their Sustainability Game
As consumers become more aware of sustainability, some fashion brands are making concerted efforts to not just be seen as an eco-conscious brand, but to change their practices and supply…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
The Time is Now for Natural Fibers
Scientists around the globe were recently shocked when temperatures over Earth’s poles soared: Antarctica was more than 70 degrees warmer than average, while areas of the Artic registered temps more…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
How Conventional Cotton Can Organically Meet Consumer Desires
At a time when the world seems to be focused on sustainability, consumers have differing ideas on terms that describe different types of cotton and what “organic cotton” actually means.…