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Global Lifestyle Monitor – USA

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Supply Chain

Cotton to Cotton Candy? Almost! These are New Things Cotton Can Do

When thinking about cotton products, it makes sense that the first thoughts turn toward apparel — the denim jeans, the dress shirts, the tees, etc. – especially if you’re in…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter February 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most cotton benchmarks increased over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured only minor changes to global cotton production (-355,000 bales to…

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Supply Chain

Consumers Want More Natural Fibers — Here’s How to Innovate & Give Them What They Want

A recent viewing of a show about tiny houses featured a man who needed to get rid tons of “stuff,” including a lot of clothes, before his family could transition…

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These New Technologies Are Bringing Retail into the New Year

The new year is bringing plenty of newness to retail, much of it “behind the scenes” thanks to further adoption of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, and augmented…

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Supply Chain

Cotton, Grown from the Earth

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter January 2024

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most cotton benchmarks were flat over the past month. Pakistani prices increased. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured a slight increase to global production…

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Here’s What Consumers Want in Their New Year/New You Activewear

It’s that time of year again, when all the holiday cookies, candy and charcuterie boards combined with perhaps a (severely) reduced exercise regimen has many Americans busting out New Year’s…

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Supply Chain Insights – Clothing Label Survey

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Consumers, Retail and What to Expect in 2024? It’s Tricky

Another holiday season is just about in the books and, of course, the retail industry is looking to suss out trends for 2024 before January hits. That’s always tricky, but…

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