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Commodity Economics

Commodity Economics

Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter May 2018

NY futures experienced volatility recently, with the net effect being a slight increase in prices. The A Index also moved slightly higher, while other benchmark prices were stable.

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter April 2018

NY futures experienced volatility in early April. Current values for all benchmark prices are flat to lower relative to levels one month ago.

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter March 2018

Movement in international benchmark prices was mixed over the past month, with NY futures and the A Index increasing, South Asian prices flat to lower, and Chinese prices stable.

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter February 2018

Despite some significant upward movement, most cotton prices are either even or lower than one month ago.

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Supply Chain

Brave New World

If the U.S. and China were to post their relationship status on Facebook, the "it's complicated" option comes to mind.

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Supply Chain

Asian Prices Podcast Series Part 6

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Supply Chain

NY Futures Podcast Series Part 5

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Supply Chain

The A Index Podcast Series Part 4

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Supply Chain

Balance Sheets & Monthly Economic Letter Podcast Series Part 3

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