North America
North America
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Here’s How Regenerative Agriculture Benefits the Cotton Supply Chain
There is no shortage of sustainability talk in the fashion industry, especially coming off Earth Month in April. But sustainability in the cotton industry starts in the field, where growers…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This is Why Denim is Circular – And Why Consumers Trust It
Just four years ago when the pandemic was raging, pajamas and sweatpants became the go-to garments all day, every day and the industry wondered about the future of denim. Though…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Earth Day 2024: Here’s How Brands Can Increase Efficiency & Quality
While Earth Day is happening on April 22, all of April is considered Earth Month, giving ample opportunity for the industry to really consider its sustainability efforts. Where fashion and…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s Why Earth Day Could Bring More Natural Fibers to Fashion
Earth Day will be celebrated April 22 and this year the organization behind the movement is focusing on plastics. To be clear, is “demanding a 60 percent reduction in…
Infographics/Charts | Supply Chain Insights
Articles | Consumer Research
Why Consumers Want the Look & Feel of Natural Fibers at Home
Whether it’s being wrapped in a plush towel after a shower, curling up on the sofa with a soft throw blanket, or sliding under the bedcovers at the end of…
Infographics/Charts | Supply Chain Insights
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
This is How AI Will Benefit Consumers & Their Retail Experience
For years, retailers have had the ability to collect data from customers with the idea that they would use it to offer consumers more personalized products and experiences. But too…
Infographics/Charts | Supply Chain Insights
Infographics/Charts | Supply Chain Insights