North America
North America
Articles | Consumer Research
This is How Parents Plan to Spend for Back-to-School 2024
Earlier this summer, Limited Too held a rooftop party in New York to kick off the return of the iconic tween brand before the start of the new school season.…
Infographics/Charts | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Newsletter | Economic Data/News
Monthly Economic Letter July 2024
RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Movement in benchmark prices was mixed over the past month. Pakistani spot prices fell from 86 to 80 cents/lb. In domestic terms, values dropped from 19,700 to…
Infographics/Charts | Consumer Research
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Here’s How Switching to Natural Fibers Can Combat Microplastic Pollution
The hazy, hot and humid month of July is here, and that means Plastic Free July is upon us. Begun in 2011, the movement is a key initiative of the…
Articles | Consumer Research
It’s Plastic Free July – And This Is Why Consumers are Concerned About Synthetics
Amazon recently announced it has replaced 95 percent of the plastic pillows used for packaging in the U.S. and plans to phase them out entirely by the end of the…
Newsletter | Economic Data/News
Monthly Economic Letter June 2024
RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices decreased over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The latest USDA report featured only marginal changes to world production (+91,000 bales to 119.1…