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Supply Chain

In Growing Outdoor Market, The Fiber to Use When Leaving No Trace Matters

More people than ever are enjoying the Great Outdoors. And companies are responding with products that help consumers get back to nature while enjoying natural fibers, be it in their…

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This is How AI Will Benefit Consumers & Their Retail Experience

For years, retailers have had the ability to collect data from customers with the idea that they would use it to offer consumers more personalized products and experiences. But too…

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These New Technologies Are Bringing Retail into the New Year

The new year is bringing plenty of newness to retail, much of it “behind the scenes” thanks to further adoption of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, and augmented…

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Supply Chain

Cotton, Grown from the Earth

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Here’s What Consumers Want in Their New Year/New You Activewear

It’s that time of year again, when all the holiday cookies, candy and charcuterie boards combined with perhaps a (severely) reduced exercise regimen has many Americans busting out New Year’s…

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Consumers, Retail and What to Expect in 2024? It’s Tricky

Another holiday season is just about in the books and, of course, the retail industry is looking to suss out trends for 2024 before January hits. That’s always tricky, but…

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Here’s Where & What Holiday Consumers Will Buy (Despite Their Economic Jitters)

Consumers may seem like walking contradictions right now – saying they feel one way about the economy but acting differently with when it comes to purchasing. And that has helped…

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These New Passports Will Emphasize a Brand’s Sustainability

A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme says greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2022 and by September 2023, global average temperatures were 1.8°C above pre-industrial…

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